Monday, January 10, 2011

The (un)Clarity of Life.

Some days, life just makes more sense than others.
As if you woke up early in the morning and knew exactly what you were supposed to be doing the rest of the day.
And some other days, you have no idea where life is taking you.

Sometimes I just feel like I do all of this planning to try and organize my crazy life- for nothing. As if all of this work and planning is just another way of me just dreaming while I'm awake. As if I wake up and feel in control of my life, just to realize later that I truly have no control whatsoever.

I hate this feeling.

I'm the type of person that needs to know what I'm doing 5 steps ahead of where I'm at. I usually have these steps all planned out. But it never seems to me that I end up following these steps. Something always happens that makes me have to sit and re-evaluate my life to create another 5 step plan.

I wish I didn't have to do this so often.

Can't I just wake up in the morning and know exactly where life is taking me? It would honestly save me sooo much time, stress, effort, and emotions.

This morning, I woke up to the voice in my head telling me that I needed to get up, something is about to happen today. So here I am. Awake and trying to make something happen.

The truth: There is no such thing as clarity in life.

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