Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Summer Break

I hate how by the time finals week rolls around, I'm just dying for it to be over just so that I can relax and not have to use that muscle they call a brain for a while. But then I hate how the moment that I am home and summer break has started, I am just dying till I can return to school so that I can feel free again.

Well gee...that was a pretty hate filled intro.

I've always despised summer break. It's three to four months of being trapped at home or stuck at work. And when I did go out, I had to ask for permission, then get the third degree before I could even leave the house. Rarely have I been able to go out and have fun like I should be having over summer break.

This summer started out terrible, just like the rest have. The moment I got home, I was forced to go out with the family and relatives before I could even settle in. Then I found it difficult to fall asleep at cause all I could think about was how I couldn't fall asleep and wake up next to a special someone for the next 3.5 months. AND THAT BLOWS.
But today was different. I woke up, got dressed, and got to spend a good chunk of my day with him. I didn't have to ask for permission. I didn't answer a million questions. I wasn't given a curfew. I just went.
Needless to say, I had an amazing day. I am just hoping that I get to have plenty of these days this summer with lots of different people.
My fingers are crossed!
Till next time,